Week 8: Feb. 25, 2024

Dusasa I, El Anatsui, Ghanain, 2007, Found aluminum and copper wire


This sculpture by El Anatsui is made from recycled, flattened, liquor bottle tops and hangs in the main entry way of the newest wing of the museum. Although it is made of metal and wire, it hangs like a tapestry on the wall. It transforms the media into a completely different appearance by creating the ripples and flow of draped fabric.

Looking at it in person, the most compelling part is how it appears to flow and move despite being a solid metal object. But up close, in the camera’s eye, I was struck by the sparkle and sheen of each individual piece of metal as it angles differently to the light. Looking at each individual link instead of the greater piece, I was reminded of the photo mosaics in which a huge image is made up of thousands of tiny images who lend their colors while losing their details.

I chose to photograph this from directly below it, so that I could capture the lowest section up close, but still see the ripples of the upper portion.


Week 9: Mar. 3, 2024


Week 7: Feb. 18, 2024